Saturday, January 30, 2016

Courage In A New Year

Maybe I just haven't paid attention in the past, but I am noticing that picking a word of the year is a becoming a really big thing.  I've seen a ton of different articles, resources, websites and blogs about picking a word of the year.  I think I was blind to it in the past because I just wasn't ready to focus on a word, let alone a word that would force me to face my fears, pick up the pieces and move forward.  Sometimes it is just easier to turn a blind eye and run.  I have gotten pretty good at that.

However, this year 2016, a word jumped out at me.  I figured, what the heck, let's focus and see what happens.  This year's word: COURAGE.  Eek.  It's an exciting and scary word all at once.  I have mentioned this a number of times, but it is worth repeating.  I have been done with cancer treatment five years now and sometimes I feel like it all just began.  I am still so very scared of recurrence, the what-ifs, etc.  A lot of people say it gets easier for them over time, but for me, it really hasn't.  Sure, I can function and do daily tasks but that freaking fear is always right there.  That's where the COURAGE comes in.  12 months of facing that cancer demon.

So, we are just about one full month into 2016 and for me, one month of COURAGE.  This first month has been all about just testing the waters.  It's been about seeing how I see COURAGE, what things I really need to face, and how I am going to get there.  Next month I plan to go into the water at least up to my calves and do a little more hard core staring at that fear.

In the meantime, I found this really cool website that has a whole kit you can have put together that captures your word.  It's really awesome and of course, I love stuff like this.  There is a necklace, candle, some mantras, a notebook and more.  I couldn't resist and now I can keep my courage visible whenever I need it.  Of course, Jerry wanted to get in on the action too as you can see from the picture.  The website for more information is  The kit is called THIS IS MY YEAR.

So, my parting words to you are, what is your word?  If you don't have one yet, will you consider?  I am anxious to hear your thoughts on your year as well.

Let the COURAGE (or, insert your word here) begin!!

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